
Goals and motivation

A tabby cat sleeps upon a home office desk next to a laptop and various desk items

Goals and motivation


Facing a tedious to-do list? This trick could make it easier

The ‘easy addendum effect’: how careful timing of your easier tasks could help you feel better at the end of the day

by Shayla Love



Getting what we think we want can reveal just how complex desire is

Helping my clients probe their unspoken wants creates a space of freedom to express the possibilities that lie dormant

by Charlotte Fox Weber

Goals and motivation


A commitment is different from a goal – here’s why that matters

Whatever your aims in life, the words you use matter. Here’s an important distinction that will help you stay on track

by Justin Kompf

Freedom and choice


The three reasons why it’s good for you to believe in free will

Regardless of whether humans do or don’t have free will, psychological research shows it’s beneficial to act as if you do

by Kennon Sheldon

Emotion regulation


Wish you had more self-control? You should hear the downsides

Many people wish they had the advantages of more self-control. But fewer know that the trait can be costly, too

by Samantha Lapka & Franki Kung

Meaning and the good life


Our age of crises needs Bollnow’s philosophy of hope

What if life crises are not pitfalls en route to Maslow’s self-actualisation but hopeful new beginnings, as Bollnow argued?

by Norm Friesen



Sometimes it’s a good idea to be angry with yourself. But when?

When you have only yourself to blame, it might be useful to be angry at yourself, without feeling guilty or ashamed

by Laura Silva

Goals and motivation


To meet your goals, forget willpower and fill your toolbox

Achieving your goals has nothing to do with willpower and everything to do with using the right mix of psychological tools

by Marina Milyavskaya