
Sex and sexuality

Violence and aggression


The details of the situation shape whether a sexual assault occurs

The details of the situation play a powerful role in whether a sexual assault happens. That’s something we can influence

by Betsy Levy Paluck & Ana Gantman

Stigma and taboo


It’s a fraught choice: come out, or conceal yourself?

For those who face the threat of prejudice, the possibility of concealing their identity means weighing up conflicting goals

by Joel Le Forestier

Stories and literature


Young women were the true originators of the Grimms’ Tales

Snow White, Rapunzel, Cinderella – the old fairy tales are full of female lust and hope, and most were told by women

by Christine Lehnen

Sex and sexuality


Does porn harm or help? Gender could matter in a surprising way

Whether porn use benefits or harms young adults’ sex lives is a contentious question. Data suggest some (nuanced) answers

by Nicolas Sommet & Jacques Berent



Sex lives of the pygmy seahorses – a hidden, miniature marvel

Randy females, pregnant males and breeding quartets: the secret sex lives of the pygmy seahorses of Sulawesi in Indonesia

by Richard Smith

Sex and sexuality


Human bodies change through life. So does our sexuality

Sexual identity is more than sexual orientation. It develops and changes as our bodies develop and change through our lives

by Jana Byars

Sex and sexuality


The sex tech to come could offer more than ‘the real thing’

Sexbots and other artificial lovers might arouse discomfort, but their continued advances could have unexpected upsides

by Rob Brooks

Spirituality and religion


From sexual union to the divine – the teachings of Ibn al-‘Arabi

The Sufi scholar Ibn al-‘Arabi was a divine lover who saw the initial act of creation mirrored in the male-female union

by Heba Yosry