Bipolar disorder
AddictionAngerAnxietyAttachment and parentingAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)AutismBipolar disorderBody dysmorphic disorderBrain injury and dementiaChildren’s difficultiesDepressionDifficult emotionsDissociation and detachmentEating disordersFear and phobiaGender incongruenceGriefHallucinations and delusionsHealth anxietyLearning difficultiesLonelinessMental healthOCDPersonality disordersPsychosis and schizophreniaSadness and sorrowSelf-harm and suicideSexual problemsShame and guiltSleep problemsSocial anxietyTrauma and PTSDViolence and aggressionWorry and rumination

Bipolar disorder
Our internal clocks could be key for preserving mental health
Circadian rhythms often seem ‘out of time’ in bipolar disorder. Scientists are exploring what goes wrong and how to help
by Jacob Crouse

Law and mental health
Advance directives for mental illness raise deep ethical questions
Created by people with mental illness when they are well, self-binding directives anticipate a shift to unwell thinking
by Tania Gergel

Bipolar disorder
What’s it like to feel betrayed by your brain? A memoir of bipolar disorder
Directed by Melanie Cura Daball