Body dysmorphic disorder
Body dysmorphic disorder is common, yet widely misunderstood
What strikes someone with BDD as a glaring physical problem actually calls for a psychological solution
by Toni Pikoos
Body dysmorphic disorder
Body neutrality gives me the freedom not to love my body
How body neutrality, not body positivity, allowed me to acknowledge the fraught relationship between myself and my body
by Payal Dhar
Eating disorders
Is ‘feeling fat’ really a manifestation of underlying sadness?
Patients with eating disorders who feel overweight are often told that the underlying cause is emotional. What if it’s not?
by Stephen Gadsby & Bence Nanay
Eating disorders
Body image distortions are a normal feature of mental life
Body image distortions can be severe in anorexia nervosa and bulimia, but they’re also a normal feature of mental life
by Matthew R Longo