
Wonder and the sublime

Ancient artefact with gold sun, moon, and stars on a dark blue-green background, likely depicting an early astronomical observation.

Wonder and the sublime


Bronze Age people looked to the skyscape to navigate their lives

Long before stargazing helped humans navigate the Earth, the skyscape gave Bronze Age people mystery and wonder

by Kata Karáth

Hiker with a large backpack walking along a ridge with misty mountains in the background.

Wonder and the sublime


To benefit from wonder, make sure you’ve got the genuine kind

Why the life-long disposition towards wonder – not the momentary experience of awe – is the way to knowledge and discovery

by Lisa Sideris

A painting of a woman sitting at a table with a glass of beer, a cigarette, and a contemplative expression in a café setting.



Why it can be sublime to love someone who doesn’t love you back

Unrequited love might be bitter and painful, but it is also the ultimate expression of your humanity. Don’t fight it

by Alexandra Gustafson

A painting depicting a human figure, mythical creatures, a large turtle, dragon, snake, and swirling waters.



The meaning of cowardly dogs and other puzzles of Arabic poetry

In classical Arabic poetry, beauty and wonder lie in the logical unravelling of a metaphor, rather than plot or character

by Lara Harb

Photo of a dark ocean at night with two lightning strikes illuminating the cloudy sky.

Wonder and the sublime


Is the sublime a hopelessly old-fashioned Euro-Romantic ideal?

The sublime is not only for the Romantics, nor just about gender or overcoming nature. It’s in the thrills-and-chills of emotion

by Robert Clewis

Person arranging colourful abstract paintings on a table, viewed from above.

Stories and literature


Access to the arts is a human right, for prisoners as for students

Beyond pleasure or instruction, literature opens us up to catharsis and wonder. Access to art in prison is a human right

by Emma Gilby

Black and white photo of a thoughtful child in a classroom sitting with hand on chin, other children nearby.

Learning and education


Why good teachers allow a child’s mind to wander and wonder

The experience of wonder is essential to the task of education – it opens up the world. That’s why teachers should foster it

by Anders Schinkel