
Wonder and the sublime

Photo of a person picking up stones on a pebbly beach with a blue sky and ocean waves in the background.

Wonder and the sublime


How to revive your sense of wonder

That childhood urge to ask ‘how’ and ‘why’ usually fades. But we can all learn to rediscover the joys of wide-eyed discovery

by Frank Keil

Close-up of a green parrot with a red forehead and white around its eyes, looking directly at the camera.

Wonder and the sublime


The search for life beyond Earth is peculiar, from a parrot’s perspective

Directed by Jennifer Allora and Guillermo Calzadilla

Photo of a crowd watching an event at night, faces lit, some taking photos, children in colourful hats by a barrier.

Wonder and the sublime


How to experience more wow

Awe might seem an unobtainable luxury to many but, with the right approach, you can enjoy it daily – no mountain required

by Summer Allen

Close-up of an older man in a flat cap and scarf, looking out over a misty rural landscape with blurred farmland in the background.



Irish hills, folk music and David Whyte’s poetry form a fleeting, meditative moment

Directed by Andrew Hinton

Illustration of a woman on a bench by a cityscape with a red sun and blooming branches, conveying serenity and nature.

Thinking and intelligence


How to foster ‘shoshin’

It’s easy for the mind to become closed to new ideas. Cultivating a beginner’s mind helps us rediscover the joy of learning

by Christian Jarrett

The Milky Way galaxy over a mountainous silhouette at night, with bright spots resembling searchlights crossing the sky.

Wonder and the sublime


Journey into the deep history of the cosmos via the Mauna Loa volcano

Directed by Lance Page