

Expert insights and practical help in dealing with the emotional and psychological challenges of life

Illustration of a person sitting by a window, looking at a garden with birds flying and trees in the background.

Worry and rumination


How to stop overthinking

Grappling with your thoughts will leave you even more entangled in worry. Use metacognitive strategies to break free

by Pia Callesen

Colourful abstract illustration of a person with closed eyes, featuring vibrant brushstrokes and line work in shades of orange, yellow, green, pink and blue.



Enter the sensory world of an overstimulated Autistic mind

A film by Miguel Jirón and Scott Mahoy

Woman with glasses and red beanie sits in café, contemplating with hand on chin, a cappuccino and phone on the table. Background is softly blurred.

Emotion regulation


How to take things less personally

Always blaming yourself or assuming others think ill of you? A CBT therapist shares ways to break these self-critical habits

by Joel Minden

Abstract painting of a person on a cliff under stormy skies with colourful clouds and rain, contrasted by vibrant red and yellow below.



A music video moulded in clay finds joy in nature amid life’s sorrows

Directed by Lynn Tomlinson

A stormy sea with large waves crashing against a pier; a lone seagull is flying against a grey, misty backdrop.

Difficult emotions


How to calm your inner storm

When your emotions become too painful and overwhelming, regain control using skills from dialectical behaviour therapy

by Sheri Van Dijk

A small wooden cabin on a hill at sunset with a pink sky and mountains in the background.

Nature and the environment


Watching for wildfires merges ancient and modern in our relationship to nature

Directed by Lindsey Hagen