
Therapies and practical advice

Painting of a person sitting indoors looking out at a garden with flying birds, framed by large windows.

Worry and rumination


How to stop overthinking

Grappling with your thoughts will leave you even more entangled in worry. Use metacognitive strategies to break free

by Pia Callesen

A man wearing an eye mask lies on a bed while another person observes; a monitor and lamp are on the nearby table.

Emerging therapies


What does ketamine-assisted therapy look like? Inside one firefighter’s journey

Directed by Brandon Kapelow

Photo of a pier with large crashing waves and mist, a person on the pier and a bird flying above in the stormy sky.

Difficult emotions


How to calm your inner storm

When your emotions become too painful and overwhelming, regain control using skills from dialectical behaviour therapy

by Sheri Van Dijk

A red hibiscus flower and green leaves are divided into four vertical panels against a blue background, overlaid by raindrop textures.



Climate fears make Sindha feel doomed. Can eco-therapy help?

Directed by Sindha Agha

Silhouette of a person looking at a pop art painting of a crying woman.

Emotion regulation


How to ease the pain of heartache

You’re experiencing a profound form of grief that can make you physically ill. These steps will give you a chance to heal

by Ziella Bryars