

Creativity in all its manifold expressions, exploring the imaginative, artistic and transcendent facets of life

A close-up of a paint swatch booklet with colour samples including blue, yellow and beige. They have labels such as Polka Dot, Vanilla and Daisy Chain.



How to use ‘possibility thinking’

Have you hit an impasse in your personal or professional life? Answer these questions to open your mind to what’s possible

by Constance de Saint Laurent & Vlad Glăveanu

Silhouette of person standing before an orange light, creating a glowing halo effect on a neutral background.

Painting and sculpture


Toxic materials become sculptures of light and air in this artist’s hands

Directed by Anika Kan Grevstad

Black-and-white photo of two people in a small rowboat on a calm, open water body under a cloudy sky. The boat and its occupants are reflected clearly in the still water.

The nature of reality


How to think about time

This philosopher’s introduction to the nature of time could radically alter how you see your past and imagine your future

by Graeme A Forbes

A still from the film Miss Congeniality showing the actress Sandra Bullock in a tight-fitting lilac dress walking towards the camera, surrounded by people in pink uniforms.



From drab to fab – a playful dissection of the Hollywood makeover

Directed by Sue Ding

A close-up of a man using an online betting platform on his smartphone. The phone screen lights up a darkened room



How to control your gambling

What’s fun at first can all too easily get out of hand. Learn the warning signs and use these tips to rein things in

by Luke Clark

Illustration of a blue-colored woman balancing on one leg surrounded by plants, flowers, a crab, berries, mushrooms, and a turtle.



Every culture dances. So why did humans evolve to get down?

Directed by Rosanna Wan and Andrew Khosravani