

Creativity in all its manifold expressions, exploring the imaginative, artistic and transcendent facets of life

Photo of two men in dark clothing sitting and smiling at a round table in a dimly lit room with glasses.

Stories and literature


How to tell a better story

Personal stories have the power to connect, entertain, persuade. Use a pro storyteller’s tips to pick and prepare a great one

by Micaela Blei

Colourful illustration of a surreal scene featuring a circus, a marching band, dancing animals, a tree with legs, a crowd huddled in a circle, naked figures, and various unusual objects scattered around.

Altered states


Cacophony flanked by the abyss – one artist’s take on life itself

A film by Sumito Sakakibara

Photo of a person in vibrant traditional attire with an orange headwrap singing on stage, another in shadow to the side.



How to get hooked on opera

Aspects of opera can seem strange. But give it a try and you’ll soon find yourself absorbed in a truly magical experience

by Alexandra Wilson

Close-up of hands holding clear frogspawn with visible black eggs in a natural outdoor setting.



A filmmaker’s never-realised ideas become an exploration of self-doubt

Directed by Cameron Nicoll

Black and white photo of a person wearing a jacket, eyes closed, with a foggy forest background and tree branches above.

Spirituality and religion


How to find new spiritual practices

Even if religion isn’t for you, there’s a world of rituals and tools to lift yourself up and connect to something greater

by Morgan Shipley

A woman holds a square mirror that blocks her face; it reflects rocks and grass. There is blue sky and clouds in the background. The only element in focus is the reflection on the mirror.

Painting and sculpture


Losing her eyesight, a painter’s art evolves with the way she sees the world

Directed by Liberty Smith