

On the perennial puzzle of how to live well in our complex world

A person lying on their back, silhouetted against a blue background with dim lighting, creating a contemplative mood.

Sleep problems


How to sleep when you’re a perfectionist

As a high achiever, your problem-solving skills can backfire at night. You need a different way to beat insomnia

by Nick Wignall

A photo of an artist in a cap and paint-splattered trousers sitting next to a large painting of a man holding his face in his hands.

Painting and sculpture


A rural Namibian artist reflects on authenticity in work and in life

Directed by Niklas von Klitzing and Leo Stolz

Photo of five burned matchsticks with blackened, charred tips, arranged in a row on a white background. The order shows partially burnt matches through to a fully burnt match.

Mental health


How to recover from burnout

Feeling worn down, checked out, or bitter about work? The answer is not to ‘just work harder’. Try these steps instead

by Debbie Sorensen

Animated scene of a woman comforting a man at a kitchen table, with one hand resting of his back.



Caregiving is the highest form of love in this powerful family portrait

Directed by William D Caballero

Photo of a person driving a car, seen through a car window, lit by warm sunlight, wearing glasses, with one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand resting in front of their face.



How to think about consciousness

What is it like to be you? Dive into the philosophical puzzle of consciousness and see yourself and the world in new ways

by Amy Kind

Sketch of a bathroom with a vanity unit and mirror. An illustrated nude woman stands in the centre, reflected in the mirror.

Altered states


A woman summons a stoic calm after accidentally trapping herself in a shower

A film by Tom Schroeder