On the perennial puzzle of how to live well in our complex world
Living without mental imagery may shield against trauma’s impact
Discovering that I’m aphantasic helped me understand my response to being assaulted and why I wasn’t debilitated by PTSD
by J B Smith
Learn to tune into birdsong – respite and fascination await
Listening deeply to the sounds of birds is a powerful form of meditation and a first step towards a rewarding new hobby
by David M Logue
How to forgive (even if they’re unrepentant)
Feeling ill will toward someone who harmed you is natural but draining. You can let it go, whether you reconcile or not
by Richard S Balkin
Sex and sexuality
Shuli’s mother has known he was gay for years. Can they finally talk about it?
A film by Shuli Huang
The body and physical health
In defence of slouching: the bad science behind good posture
The idea that we should all stand straight is widely accepted. But this modern obsession has dubious origins
by Beth Linker
Communication and language
I am an article about the speaking objects of ancient Greece
Talkative drinking cups and threatening oil flasks tell us how the written word asserted its authority in an oral society
by Teddy Fassberg
Stories and literature
How to tell a better story
Personal stories have the power to connect, entertain, persuade. Use a pro storyteller’s tips to pick and prepare a great one
by Micaela Blei
Freedom and choice
In the outback, a town of two awaits visitors to their emergency airport
Directed by Yannick Jamey
Learning and education
The ‘secret strategy’ that could boost your ability to learn
It may sound illogical, but growing evidence shows the benefits of testing yourself before you start learning new material
by Ajdina Halilovic
Why, in a universe of pain, I’m saving stranded earthworms
Any action can seem futile amid so much suffering. I’ve realised the important thing is to stop despairing and do something
by Claire E Schultz
How to get hooked on opera
Aspects of opera can seem strange. But give it a try and you’ll soon find yourself absorbed in a truly magical experience
by Alexandra Wilson
A cobalt mine becomes an unlikely playground for children in Congo
A film by Francis Alÿs