
History of emotions
Schadenfreude: why do we find joy in the pain felt by others?
A brief history of schadenfreude – taking pleasure in the misfortune of another – from ancient China to Charlie Chaplin
by David P Barash

History of emotions
The journeys taken by emotion words shape our inner lives
Changes to the meanings of euphoria, enthusiasm and ecstasy over time chart the ever-shifting territory of the emotions
by Tim Lomas

Difficult emotions
How to enjoy your problems
Accepting your problems is one thing. To enjoy them? Well, that’s pretty much enlightenment. Here’s how to get there
by Chelsea Harvey Garner

Traditional arts
Beauty is woven into everyday life for the quilters of the American West
A film by Carly Jakins and Jared Jakins

Difficult emotions
The ‘melancholic joy’ of living in our brutal, beautiful world
Beyond simple contentment or despair, there’s a ‘melancholic joy’ in looking, clear-eyed, at our brutal, beautiful world
by Brian Treanor

There’s something in my eye: why we happy-cry and what it does for us
Happy tears are often neglected in emotion research. But there are many types, and they have an important function
by Janis Zickfeld

How to start having more fun
Fun isn’t frivolous – it’s vital for your wellbeing. Here’s a step-by-step plan to bring more pleasure into your busy life
by Mike Rucker

Pleasures and pastimes
A club for ‘dull men’ may just inspire you to see the unremarkable anew
Directed by Andy Oxley

Wonder and the sublime
How to experience more wow
Awe might seem an unobtainable luxury to many but, with the right approach, you can enjoy it daily – no mountain required
by Summer Allen