Nature and the environment

Wonder and the sublime
The ‘panzoic effect’: the benefits of thinking about alien life
Reflecting on the potential for extraterrestrial life can inspire awe and have a profound effect on your worldview
by Graham Lau

Cultural diversity
Insularity can be a good thing, for creatures and cultures alike
The plight of threatened species can help us understand – and respond to – the endangerment of local ideas and practices
by Antone Martinho-Truswell

How to cope with climate anxiety
It’s normal to feel troubled by the climate crisis. These practices can help keep your response manageable and constructive
by Lucia Tecuta

Nature and the environment
From freeze to bloom – the rhythms and splendour of life on a flower farm
Directed by Oriel Danielson

Learn to tune into birdsong – respite and fascination await
Listening deeply to the sounds of birds is a powerful form of meditation and a first step towards a rewarding new hobby
by David M Logue

Nature and the environment
Rewilding attachment theory by recognising Earth as a caregiver
We are raised by people, but we are also raised by the Earth – here’s what that means for our emotional development
by Vanessa Chakour

Nature and the environment
How to rewild yourself
You didn’t evolve to live in this techno-industrialised world. Find health and happiness by embracing your wild nature
by Jessica Carew Kraft

‘It’s unreal – in the best way.’ Acacia captures visual poetry at Earth’s poles
Directed by Brian Storm

Transcendent experience
Do you find the 21st century overstimulating? Try ‘longstorming’
As the treadmill of life speeds up, sublime outdoor spaces help us tap into timescales that are longer, slower, planetary
by Vincent Ialenti

Sacred places
Paganism is a potent force in Ireland’s conservation movement
Long-held beliefs in an ‘Otherworld’ inhabited by wrathful fairies are now driving a resurgence in Irish eco-activism
by Juju Lane

Civic life
How to escape climate apathy
Do you recognise there’s a climate emergency, yet find yourself looking away? Here’s how to get motivated and take action now
by Elizabeth Cripps

Two newlyweds carve out a life on a small rock island, among the seabirds
Directed by George Pretty