The Canadian filmmaker Lori Malépart-Traversy is known for using a charming animation style to address human sexuality in both a frank and playful manner. Part of the documentary series Magical Caresses, which offers candid perspectives on ‘solo sexuality’, Sweet Jesus features a woman named Sarah recalling how, from a young age, sexuality and Christianity have been connected in her inner world. From an early nighttime ritual that combined ‘prayers with caresses’, to an adult preference for ‘thin guys with curly hair and a humanitarian side’, Sarah and Malépart-Traversy tell the story with unguarded honesty and lighthearted humour. In doing so, they highlight how experiences of sexuality, spirituality and shame can intertwine and evolve over the course of a lifetime.
Director: Lori Malépart-Traversy
Producers: Julie Roy, Christine Noël
Website: National Film Board of Canada