

Photo of a smiling family sitting in a red convertible car parked in front of a suburban house.



In more prosperous societies, are men and women more similar?

How much the sexes differ psychologically depends on how fair and wealthy a country is. But not in the way you’d think

by Kåre Hedebrant & Agneta Herlitz

Ancient marble statue of a headless Hermaphroditus, draped lower garment, against a plain background.



There is nothing new about gender fluidity and nonconformity

From Mesopotamia and ancient Greece to precolonial India and medieval London, gender has always been more than a binary

by Chris Wheatley

A vintage photo showing people dressed in old-fashioned clothing, carrying baskets and bags, walking through a busy outdoor market area.

Thinkers and theories


How the feminist philosopher Helene Stöcker canonised Nietzsche

Despite Nietzsche’s reputation for misogyny, his work inspired a leading women’s rights activist of the early 20th century

by Lydia Moland

Photo of a woman in black clothing on a street near a beauty salon with a colourful sign and a travel agency.

Human rights and justice


The day the Taliban banned women like me from working

With my daughters’ education cancelled, I thought the regime had done its worst. Then a new message came from my office

by Nargis

Photo of a woman with headphones on a rainy bus, looking thoughtful. Blurred city lights visible outside the window.

Communication and language


Listening in on horror: why many women love true crime podcasts

True crime podcasts turn violence against women into a form of entertainment. Why do so many female listeners enjoy them?

by Amelia Anthony

Photo of a large poster depicting a woman with blonde hair, with a person walking in the foreground.

Change and self-development


The cult of being confident and why it doesn’t help women

By making women solely responsible for their own empowerment, the culture of confidence masks the true causes of inequality

by Rosalind Gill & Shani Orgad

Painting of a woman seated on a chair reading a book, with her hair in a bun, wearing a dark dress against a plain background.

Stories and literature


Forget ‘Little Women’. How did girls learn to be grown women?

How might 19th-century novels for adolescent girls help us find healthier models of what it means to grow up female today?

by Julie Pfeiffer

Photo of two women, one lying on a bed with a patterned quilt, another standing behind smiling in a room with floral wallpaper.

Theatre and performance


Why did Ibsen put ‘philosophers in skirts’ up on the stage?

When Henrik Ibsen put ‘philosophers in skirts’ into his plays, he demonstrated a different way of thinking about the world

by Kristin Gjesdal