

Photo of three older men in a pub, smiling and wearing caps. The background has pub mirrors and a red wall.



Is it better to have friends who are like you or different from you?

Studies of longterm friends offer surprising insights as to whether friends who are more or less alike tend to endure

by Christian Jarrett

Photo of a family holding hands walking on a beach with a golden retriever in the foreground and ocean waves in the background.



As a psychiatrist, I’ve seen how chasing happiness leads to misery

My clinical work has shown me that happiness is a ghost that’s not worth pursuing – there are far wiser goals in life

by Rafa Euba

Photo of two people in pink bunny costumes with carrot designs, holding drinks and standing by a tiled wall under a sign.



To improve your life, consider changing your personality

New research supports the idea that intentionally developing certain traits is not only possible, but comes with benefits

by Christian Jarrett

Renaissance painting of a man with curly hair wearing a dark hat and clothing against a dark background.

Emotion regulation


Asking one simple question can entirely change how you feel

Positive and negative emotions respond differently to ‘affect labelling’ – the act of giving a name to your feelings

by Christian Waugh

Photo of a smiling person in vibrant attire and a large blue head wrap against a dark background.



The fascinating science of pleasure goes way beyond dopamine

Pleasure and happiness are too important for our mental health to be reduced to the single brain chemical dopamine

by Dean Burnett

Photo of a sumo wrestler in traditional attire, making a facial expression, with an audience in the background.



There’s something in my eye: why we happy-cry and what it does for us

Happy tears are often neglected in emotion research. But there are many types, and they have an important function

by Janis Zickfeld

Retro photo of a waitress serving pizza to a smiling couple seated at a table with beer and glasses.

Cooperation and collaboration


If smiles are so easy to fake, why do we trust them?

Smiles can be a way to dupe people because they’re easy to fake – but we’ve figured out which smiles can be trusted

by Alexander Danvers