Painting and sculpture

Human evolution
Why it took us thousands of years to see the colour violet
The colour violet was largely missing from art before the Impressionists, and is seen differently by different cultures. Why?
by Allen Tager

Beauty and aesthetics
What happens if we make the Mona Lisa more symmetrical?
The Golden Ratio and symmetry are two universal rules of beauty. The problem is they conflict with one another
by Manil Suri

Mindfulness and meditation
A leaf, a bird and a fisherman animate Heraclitus’ aphorism on flux
A film by Michelle Brand

Artists and art history
Gentileschi. Let us not allow sexual violence to define the artist
Artemisia Gentileschi’s body of work has been framed by her personal history. Her paintings should speak for themselves
by Eliza Apperly

When the mind is dark, making art is a thrilling way to see
For aphantasic artists with no mind’s eye, creating paintings is a way to experience the mental pictures they can’t see
by Adam Zeman

Spirituality and religion
An exquisite Mongolian meditation on the oneness of all beings
Directed by Alisi Telengut

Painting and sculpture
Looking at portraits with an eye to evolutionary psychology
Why our understanding of Jean-François Raffaëlli’s ‘Roadman’ portrait can use a little help from evolutionary psychology
by Dan Sperber

Beauty and aesthetics
Why art seems more beautiful when you can see yourself in it
Research suggests that people find artworks more aesthetically pleasing when they’re personally relevant to them in some way
by Matt Huston

Painting and sculpture
Wangechi Mutu’s otherworldly artworks grow from the ground up
Directed by Ian Forster and Jackie Lebo