Worry and rumination
Worry and rumination
Rehashing your problems with friends can turn into a bad habit
Although ‘co-rumination’ bolsters relationships in some ways, it also distracts from other, better coping methods
by Shayla Love
Worry and rumination
Should you confront your worries or try to banish them?
Psychotherapists have long believed it’s a bad idea to suppress worrisome thoughts, but new research is prompting a rethink
by Shayla Love
Worry and rumination
How to thrive amid ‘imposter syndrome’
Worries that you’re incompetent and undeserving could be holding you back. Try these steps to move toward the life you want
by Jill Stoddard
A filmmaker’s never-realised ideas become an exploration of self-doubt
Directed by Cameron Nicoll
Worry and rumination
If thinking is rational, what makes overthinking irrational?
A philosophical perspective on overthinking offers fresh insights into the mental processes involved in anxiety and OCD
by Pablo Hubacher Haerle
Emotion regulation
Why it might not help – and could hurt – to brace for the worst
When awaiting a potentially stressful update or event, do you assume it won’t go your way? There may be better options
by Ella Moeck
Worry and rumination
How to feel less stressed
Everyone handles stress differently. The ‘4Ds’ approach is about helping you find the coping strategies that work for you
by Warren Mansell & Louise Mansell
Climate fears make Sindha feel doomed. Can eco-therapy help?
Directed by Sindha Agha
What to do when your urge for reassurance has gone too far
The need for constant reassurance can show up like a persistent itch. Follow these steps for a more lasting peace of mind
by Matt Huston
Resilience and flexibility
Why some people are at higher risk of ‘stress contagion’
Our stress levels don’t rise and fall in isolation. Grasping the social side of stress could help us manage it better
by Shihan Li
Worry and rumination
How to defuse catastrophic thoughts
Do you often fear the worst is going to happen? Use these therapeutic techniques to think more rationally and calmly
by Lucia Tecuta