Human evolution

Human nature
Do humans really have a killer instinct or is that just manly fancy?
The killer-instinct idea achieved such cultural power because it came embedded in gripping stories about human nature
by Nadine Weidman

Human evolution
Why it took us thousands of years to see the colour violet
The colour violet was largely missing from art before the Impressionists, and is seen differently by different cultures. Why?
by Allen Tager

Human nature
For a happier life, we must balance two old psychological needs
Personal autonomy is abundant in the modern world. As a result, many of us get what we want but not what we need
by William von Hippel

Sleep and dreams
What dream characters reveal about the astonishing dreaming brain
Such stuff as dreams are made on: the characters who populate your dreams have their own minds, separate from yours
by Antonio Zadra

Our greatest invention was the invention of invention itself
Hypothetical thinking is the key to sustained innovation and creativity: invention drove the evolution of the human mind
by Keith Frankish

Difficult emotions
Most anguish isn’t an illness but an evolved response to adversity
An anthropological view shows us that the root causes of depression and anxiety are usually social conflict and adversity
by Kristen Syme & Edward H Hagen