

Photo of a chalkboard filled with various mathematical equations and numbers written in white chalk.

Learning and education


How to beat maths anxiety

Getting stressed about maths is so common, yet there’s no need. With the right approach, you can even start enjoying it

by Shayla Love

Abstract stone sculpture of a human figure with folded arms against a grey background.

Communication and language


How to say no

It’s a little word, but if you’re a chronic people pleaser it can be so tricky to say it. These tips and tricks will help

by Shayla Love

Illustration of a person walking from a fiery red landscape to a calm seaside through a white door.

Worry and rumination


How to defuse catastrophic thoughts

Do you often fear the worst is going to happen? Use these therapeutic techniques to think more rationally and calmly

by Lucia Tecuta

Painting of a skull adorned with colourful flowers, a butterfly, sheet music and a candle in the background.



How to get more comfortable with death

Angst about mortality is part of being human, but if it’s interfering with your life, there are proven ways to dial it down

by Rachel Menzies

Photo of a cantina with people sitting at colourful tables outside under a canopy.

Social anxiety


How to overcome social anxiety

When even everyday social situations make you feel self-conscious and afraid, it’s time to try these well-tested techniques

by Fallon Goodman

Illustration of a traffic jam from a driver’s view with road signs and a phone alert on heavy traffic.

Fear and phobia


How to overcome agoraphobia

Are you trapped by a dread of public, open or enclosed places? Reclaim your freedom by following these manageable steps

by Gila Lyons

Photo of three red and white capsules on a light blue background.



How to decide whether to take antidepressants

They’re controversial yet they help countless people. To see if pills are right for you, these are the questions to ask

by Stephen Lawrie

Painting of a courtyard with multiple windows, mostly closed, and one open window letting light into a shadowy corner.

Thinkers and theories


How to be anxious

Anxiety might be uncomfortable, but with a philosophical approach you’ll find it can awaken a thrilling sense of freedom

by David Egan

Photo of a blurred street scene viewed through a rainy window, focusing on a pedestrian and coloured buildings in the background.

Dissociation and detachment


How to cope when life seems unreal

If you feel detached from the world, you might be going through depersonalisation. Be reassured, there are ways to recover

by Shaun O Connor

Painting of a person sitting indoors looking out at a garden with flying birds, framed by large windows.

Worry and rumination


How to stop overthinking

Grappling with your thoughts will leave you even more entangled in worry. Use metacognitive strategies to break free

by Pia Callesen