I rebuilt my self-esteem by changing the story of who I am
I once clung to a dubious family legend to help me cope with a difficult childhood. I’ve since found a better story to tell
by Patricia Olsen
Communication and language
Speaking a different language can change how you act and feel
For many multilinguals, switching between tongues can lead to shifts in personality, revealing the malleability of the self
by Antonella Gismundi
The self
What does it take for someone to become a ‘different person’?
What does it really mean when you say of an individual that they are so transformed as to be a ‘different person’?
by John Schwenkler
Sex and sexuality
Human bodies change through life. So does our sexuality
Sexual identity is more than sexual orientation. It develops and changes as our bodies develop and change through our lives
by Jana Byars
Sex and sexuality
The new genomics of sexuality moves us beyond ‘born this way’
The new genomics of sexuality reflects a social and political reality that has moved beyond ‘born this way’ and the ‘gay gene’
by Joanna Wuest
Why Spanish colonial officials feared the power of clothing
Colonial society depends on a clear distinction between the rulers and the ruled. Clothing could create problems
by Rebecca Earle
‘Place authenticity’ is an important, overlooked part of life
From indie bookshops to artisan cafes, spending time in unique, characterful places can enrich your own sense of self
by Ashley Krause
Cultural diversity
Cultural differences are far more nuanced than East vs West
It’s simply not the case that ‘Eastern’ cultures are relationally-minded, while ‘Western’ societies are individualistic
by Matt Huston
Work and vocation
Six ways to use clothes to boost your confidence at work
Regardless of your budget or fashion sense, dressing with more intention can benefit your mindset and performance
by Dahlia Stroud
Mental health
How a feeling that you belong could protect your mental health
Research on young adults at a time of social transition highlights the significance of feeling that you belong to a group
by Janine M Dutcher & Amber Quinn
You have multiple ‘social identities’ – here’s how to manage them
As social beings, our identities are bound up with different groups – here’s how to juggle all the various hats you wear
by Anna K Zinn
Psychosis and schizophrenia
People with psychosis can heal by rebuilding their life stories
The narrative identities of people with schizophrenia reveal its profound disruption – but also the potential for growth
by Henry R Cowan