
History and philosophy of mental health
Chinese philosophy has long known that mental health is communal
The early Chinese philosophers knew that a healthy mind comes from a harmonious community, not a matter for individuals alone
by Alexus McLeod

Technology and media
To be more tech-savvy, borrow these strategies from the Amish
With their focus on values and intentionality, the Amish offer a lesson in thinking critically about digital technology
by Alex Mayyasi

Civic life
How to be a hands-on citizen
You can be so much more than a well-informed consumer: it is in your (and our) power to change society from the ground up
by Jon Alexander

Pleasures and pastimes
A club for ‘dull men’ may just inspire you to see the unremarkable anew
Directed by Andy Oxley

Mental health across cultures
Why a Sufi approach to healing mental illness is so powerful
In Sufi shrines, rituals offer sufferers a path beyond the fear and isolation of their mental distress
by Bhrigupati Singh

What TikTok videos have in common with Victorian parlour games
TikTok and Insta videos are the Victorian parlour games of today, allowing us to share in the emotional benefits of play
by Kim Beil & Ryan Tacata

‘It pulls you in’: the staff seduced by the rhythms of the Trans-Siberian railway
Directed by Anastasia Kirillova

Values and beliefs
To be a responsible citizen today, it is not enough to be reasonable
To survive society’s problems, today reasonableness isn’t enough; we need citizens to recognise beliefs have consequences
by Francisco Mejia Uribe

Stigma and taboo
The families of people who commit sex crimes need care and support
While they deal with a kind of grief, the relatives of those who harm others sexually are subject to blame and judgment
by Azadeh Nematy

Faith, struggle and song intertwine in this classic film on Appalachian music
Directed by John Cohen