Money and economics
There are ways to manage your finances to do good in the world
Whether you have a little or a lot, your money is always at work. Follow these steps to ensure it’s making a positive impact
by Sarah Bengtsson
Going with your gut feels good, but it’s not always wise
Research is revealing the mood benefits of making intuitive decisions, but some situations call for an analytical approach
by Carina Remmers
How to use ‘possibility thinking’
Have you hit an impasse in your personal or professional life? Answer these questions to open your mind to what’s possible
by Constance de Saint Laurent & Vlad Glăveanu
A vegetarian with a beef farm faces a life-altering moral impasse
Directed by Alex Lockwood
Goals and motivation
How temptation works, and why it nearly stopped me writing this
Temptation can be sneaky – a rationalising voice that subtly undermines your resolve. But there are ways to outsmart it
by John Schwenkler
How a ‘dominance’ mindset encourages leaders to put others at risk
To find ways to deter this recklessness, we’ve studied the mindset of financiers and others who take ‘moral hazard’ decisions
by Hemant Kakkar & Garrett L Brady
Thinking and intelligence
How to think like a Bayesian
In a world of few absolutes, it pays to be able to think clearly about probabilities. These five ideas will get you started
by Michael G Titelbaum
Why small annoyances can harm us more than big disruptions
A largely forgotten psychological concept helps explain the insidiousness of minor problems – and what to do about it
by Shayla Love
Knowledge and reason
What we gain by recognising the role of chance in life
Appreciating the world is random can foster perseverance, gratitude for our own luck and empathy for the plight of others
by Mark R Rank
The self
How to connect with your future self
Does the future ‘you’ seem like a stranger? Getting to know them better will help you to make healthier, wiser decisions
by Shayla Love