
Thinkers and theories

Death and dying


How to not fear your death

You exist, but one day you won’t. An Epicurean perspective can help you feel less afraid, and even grateful for life’s finitude

by Sam Dresser

Painting of a man sitting on a rock thinking, by a dirt path in the countryside with a horse carriage in the background.

Meaning and the good life


How to cope with an existential crisis

Has the world gone grey? Are you wondering what life is for? Kierkegaard’s philosophy could help you rediscover your zing

by Skye C Cleary

Illustration of a man relaxed on the grass, resting against a large tree with vibrant green leaves. A book and wooden compass are beside him.

Meaning and the good life


How to be useless

Follow the Daoist way – reclaim your life and happiness by letting go of the need to produce, strive or serve a purpose

by Helen De Cruz & Pauline Lee