
Values and beliefs

Photo of a stone wall beside a sandy beach with calm sea under a cloudy sky sun peeking through a ship on the horizon.

Goals and motivation


How to do mental time travel

Feeling overwhelmed by the present moment? Find a connection to the longer view and a wiser perspective on what matters

by Richard Fisher

Collage featuring a cut-out photo of woman running overlaid on vintage photos.

Parenting and families


Prison letters animate Diane’s attempt to understand a distant father

Directed by Diana Cam Van Nguyen

Photo of a glass half full of water on a wooden table with a beige background.

Meaning and the good life


How to appreciate what you have

To better face an imperfect world, try a deeper reflection on the things, people and legacies that make your life possible

by Avram Alpert

Black and white photo of three children standing outdoors under a cloudy sky. The boy on the left wears a flat cap and checked shirt with trousers, while the two girls on the right wear patterned headscarves and dresses, smiling and looking into the distance.

Values and beliefs


For Hutterites, ‘love thy neighbour’ is both gospel and practical necessity

Directed by Colin Low

Painting of an elderly shirtless man with a beard, eyes closed and leaning back against a dark textured background.

Thinkers and theories


How to live like a Cynic

Take inspiration from Diogenes, the philosopher in a barrel, and transform your negativity into a liberating force for good

by Ansgar Allen

A man with a beard and glasses wearing a wide-brimmed hat and blue clothes stands outdoors near a pond, with trees in the background.

Spirituality and religion


When his faith crumbles, an ‘Amish atheist’ rebuilds his world from scratch

Directed by Lance Edmands