Death and dying
How to not fear your death
You exist, but one day you won’t. An Epicurean perspective can help you feel less afraid, and even grateful for life’s finitude
by Sam Dresser
Meaning and the good life
How to cope with an existential crisis
Has the world gone grey? Are you wondering what life is for? Kierkegaard’s philosophy could help you rediscover your zing
by Skye C Cleary
Cooperation and collaboration
How to have better arguments
Arguing well isn’t just about winning. A philosophical approach will help you and the other person get much more out of it
by Scott Aikin & John Casey
Meaning and the good life
How to be useless
Follow the Daoist way – reclaim your life and happiness by letting go of the need to produce, strive or serve a purpose
by Helen De Cruz & Pauline Lee
Change and self-development
How to change your self-limiting beliefs
Let Descartes, Kant and other philosophers help you view the world through a more positive filter and you’ll bloom
by Rebecca Roache
History of ideas
How to read philosophy
The first thing to remember is that the great philosophers were only human. Then you can start disagreeing with them
by Charlie Huenemann
Thinkers and theories
How to be anxious
Anxiety might be uncomfortable, but with a philosophical approach you’ll find it can awaken a thrilling sense of freedom
by David Egan
Rituals and celebrations
How to set yourself free with ritual
For a life of harmonious ease, find the rhythm in the everyday: make your world your temple and submit to its sacred ritual
by Alan Jay Levinovitz
Meaning and the good life
How to appreciate what you have
To better face an imperfect world, try a deeper reflection on the things, people and legacies that make your life possible
by Avram Alpert
Virtues and vices
How to think about pleasure
Weirdly hard to define, much less to feel OK about it, pleasure is a tricky creature. Can philosophy help us lighten up?
by Sam Dresser
Mindfulness and meditation
How to think like a phenomenologist
Doing Edmund Husserl’s phenomenological reduction will transform your view of the world and your own consciousness
by D J Hobbs
Thinking and intelligence
How to think for yourself
Schopenhauer and Proust can help you find inspiration from your favourite writers while also retaining an independent mind
by David Bather Woods