
Sam Dresser

Senior Editor, Aeon+Psyche

Sam has been with Aeon since its launch in 2012. He’s most interested in how to do philosophy and in the continental/analytic divide. History and politics are also amusing to him. He considers Evelyn Waugh to be a very funny writer and enjoys pubs more than he should.

Edited by Sam Dresser

A group of people shown through reflective surfaces creating a layered effect, one wears a purple ribbon.

Communication and language


To have deeper conversations, try being more of an asshole

Conversation is a game with rules about politeness and norms. To move beyond small talk, you need to risk breaking them

by Idil Çakmur

Photo of a small American flag on a metal barrier surrounded by litter at night.

Civic life


Disappointment is not just a feeling – it’s a political force

When political regimes fail us, don’t turn to optimism. It’s disappointment that holds the radical potential for change

by Rafael Holmberg

Painting of a woman with large eyes wearing dark clothes surrounded by bold colours including red and yellow.



The loss remains, so why does intense grief usually fade?

Grief’s ‘double vision’ beholds both the bereaved and dead. Recognising this duality helps explain our ability to move on

by Berislav Marušić

World map illustration showing physical geography with oceans, continents and elevation.



What makes a map ‘good’? On the ethics of cartography

Rendering the world in a responsible way means wrestling with what gets depicted on a map, how, and for whom

by Nat Case

Painting with surreal figures including a fish-headed person and abstract human forms with a dark sky.

Communication and language


Let me open a treasure chest to explain how metaphor works

Once maligned by philosophers, metaphors are a key communication tool for extending the power of literal speech

by Elek Lane

A classical painting of two women and a man in a lavishly decorated room with ornate furniture and clothing, 19th century style.



The curious paradox in how we address each other today

While honouring people’s preferred pronouns, we’ve begun to neglect forms of formal address. Perhaps we need a rethink

by David Benatar

A blue sports car and a grey luxury car parked on a city street with people and a Christian Dior shop in the background.



The ‘masculinity crisis’ is actually a crisis of self-esteem

There’s a modern belief that talent or effort can carry anyone to the top. It’s a myth that’s especially harmful to men

by Leo Rogers

Black and white photo of a couple kissing in a car, focus on a hand wearing a ring and watch embracing the partner.



How to think differently about love

Poets, philosophers and scientists all tell stories about the nature of romantic love. It can be liberating to critique them

by Arina Pismenny

Photo of a person in a white vest and jacket with folded hands and a tattoo, viewed through a mesh screen.

Conflict and conflict resolution


Restorative justice fits human nature more than retribution does

As recognised by ancestral wisdom and Indigenous practices, our need to repair relationships is a deep-rooted instinct

by Flavia Corso

Black and white photo of a woman and child sitting outside a rustic cabin in a desert landscape under a cloudy sky.

Social history


Bunkerised society – why prepping for end times is so American

Millions are preparing for doomsday, not together, but by closing the hatch. It’s a logical response to a hollowed-out state

by Robert Kirsch & Emily Ray

An ancient Greek clay jug with red stripes and inscriptions against a dark background.

Communication and language


I am an article about the speaking objects of ancient Greece

Talkative drinking cups and threatening oil flasks tell us how the written word asserted its authority in an oral society

by Teddy Fassberg

Photo of a person in vibrant traditional attire with an orange headwrap singing on stage, another in shadow to the side.



How to get hooked on opera

Aspects of opera can seem strange. But give it a try and you’ll soon find yourself absorbed in a truly magical experience

by Alexandra Wilson