
Food and drink

Food and drink


How to enjoy coffee

Smooth like chocolate or fruity like a berry, coffee has as many tastes as wine or beer – you just need to know your beans

by Jessica Easto

Food and drink


A dance of light and pasta-making in Tuscany forms a sensuous feast

Directed by Josh Gibson

a watercolour of a lopsided wine glass on a plain background

Habits and routines


How to drink less alcohol

You don’t have an addiction, but you know you’re drinking too much. Learn to regain control and benefit your mind and body

by Michael Levy

Group of men and a boy dining at an outdoor table in a forest, with various foods and drinks on a lace tablecloth.

Rituals and celebrations


Mamuka and his tuneful panduri light up this Georgian village feast

Directed by Bálint Bíró, Diego Quindere de Carvalho and Salome Razikashvili

A still life painting featuring various fish, lobster, vegetables, a cat, hanging pots, and garlic, all arranged on a table with a white cloth.

Mental health


How to use food to help your mood

Depression and low mood are not separate from the rest of your bodily health: the right diet can help reduce your risk

by Kimberley Wilson

An older man creating abstract art on a large canvas in a cluttered room with artwork, books, and a lamp on a desk.



In the hands of a butcher, a baker and a painter, making is an instinct

Directed by Dan Smeby