Emotion regulation

Emotion regulation
The Stoics were right – emotional control is good for the soul
Both neuroscience and psychotherapy agree that you can change your mental framework as the Stoic Marcus Aurelius described
by István Darabán

Emotion regulation
The best way to exercise self-control is not to exercise it at all
Accept it: your self-control is weak. You’re more likely to reach long-term goals if you find ways to avoid temptation
by Laverl Z Williamson

Focus and attention
How to be indistractable
Stop blaming technology – distraction starts within. Manage your inner triggers to enjoy greater focus and a fuller life
by Nir Eyal

Emotion regulation
Asking one simple question can entirely change how you feel
Positive and negative emotions respond differently to ‘affect labelling’ – the act of giving a name to your feelings
by Christian Waugh

Mental health
The brain’s reading of the body’s state is key to mental health
The neural basis of ‘interoception’ – the interpretation of bodily signals – is affected in many mental health conditions
by Camilla Nord

Goals and motivation
How to know what you really want
From career choices to new purchases, use René Girard’s mimetic theory to resist the herd and forge your own path in life
by Luke Burgis

Thinking and intelligence
Being alone with your thoughts is a skill you can practise
People go to extreme lengths to avoid time with their own thoughts. We’ve found some ways to make it more pleasurable
by Rémy Furrer

Socioeconomics of mental health
Why we shouldn’t push a positive mindset on those in poverty
Living in poverty is not caused by a faulty mindset, it’s a response to scarcity and marginalisation
by Jennifer Sheehy-Skeffington

Emotion regulation
How to take things less personally
Always blaming yourself or assuming others think ill of you? A CBT therapist shares ways to break these self-critical habits
by Joel Minden