Need to know
How old were you the first time you pondered a philosophical puzzle?
I was five. I wondered whether the other kids in my class saw colours the same way I did. What if red looked to me the way blue looked to them? And what if blue looked to me the way red looked to them? Would there be any way to tell that my colour experiences were the opposite of theirs? It didn’t seem so, since we’d agree on which things were red and which blue. They would just look different to us.
Philosophers have worried about this problem for ages. It’s called the ‘inverted colour spectrum’, and it raises deep questions about the nature of both colours and consciousness. But little kids have long noticed the problem too. Indeed, Daniel Dennett – a leading philosopher of mind – says that many of his college students recall having first thought about the possibility of an inverted colour spectrum in their childhoods.
That’s far from the only philosophical puzzle that attracts the attention of little kids. I’m a philosopher and a father. I’ve got two boys, Rex and Hank. From the time they could talk, they’ve been asking philosophical questions and trying to answer them.
Frequently, they recreate ancient arguments. When he was eight, Hank argued that we should believe in God so that we don’t upset him – if he’s real. Philosophers call that ‘Pascal’s wager’, after Blaise Pascal, the 17th-century French mathematician and philosopher. When Rex was four, he wondered whether he was dreaming his entire life. That question has deep roots in philosophy, too. It was key to René Descartes’s ruminations on knowledge, and long before that, played a prominent role in the Zhuang Zi, a 2,000-year-old Daoist text.
Kids ponder some of the deepest questions a person can ask. Why is the world here? What’s our part in it? Does God exist? Do we matter? Does anything matter? Grownups are often left flummoxed. The sheer volume can be hard to handle. But it can also be scary when a kid asks a question you aren’t sure how to answer. You’re supposed to be the expert, after all. But there’s no need to panic when a kid asks a question you can’t answer. In this Guide, I’ll show you ways to turn these moments into wonderful opportunities – and I’ll explain why it’s worth the effort.
Children are natural philosophers
Children can be crazy, a constant swirl of activity and (as every parent knows) of questions. How do you know when a kid’s asked something philosophical? If one of their questions makes you stop and wonder about the world, that’s a good sign. A philosophical question is one that requires us to think carefully about ourselves and the world in an effort to understand both better.
Few adults notice that kids are natural philosophers. But they absolutely are. The American philosopher Gareth Matthews spent most of his career in conversation with kids. He started the same way I did. He noticed his own kids asking philosophical questions and making philosophical arguments. And he wondered: do all kids do this? So he talked to parents and visited schools to talk to kids himself.
Matthews discovered that it was common for little kids to raise philosophical questions all on their own. The sweet spot was between ages three and seven. Matthews also found that kids were clever in the way they reasoned puzzles through. Indeed, he came to think that, in some ways, kids make better philosophers than adults.
Children have two advantages. First, they’re new to the world and constantly confused by it. So they ask about everything. Several years ago, the psychologist Michelle Chouinard listened to recordings of young children spending time with their parents. On average, the kids asked more than two questions per minute. Nearly a quarter of those questions sought explanations; the kids wanted to know how or why. Second, they aren’t afraid of getting things wrong – or seeming silly. Kids are wrong all the time. And silly is their main line of business. That makes them fearless thinkers, ready to share their thoughts, even if they don’t know that they’re right.
It’s worth supporting their philosophical instincts
If children are such natural philosophers, you might wonder why you need to help. The answer is: without encouragement, the gift can wane. Matthews found that kids’ spontaneous excursions into philosophy start to slow down around age eight or nine. At that age, they’re starting to worry what others will think of them. And they’ve come to realise that most adults don’t spend time pondering ‘Am I dreaming my entire life?’ So they leave those sorts of questions behind.
Still, Matthews found that he could prompt philosophical conversations with kids who were eight or nine or even older. They didn’t raise philosophical questions as often on their own, but all he had to do to get a conversation going was read them a story that raised a philosophical question and ask their thoughts about it. If he created space for philosophy, kids filled it.
That’s been my experience too. We’re past the days when Rex wonders aloud whether he’s dreaming his entire life. But when asked whether a hot dog is a sandwich, he immediately starts trying to work up a theory of what a sandwich is. (Does it require two pieces of bread? Does it matter what’s between them? Or just what sort of bread it is?) And in doing that, he’s taking on one of the core activities in philosophy – conceptual analysis.
There’s much to be gained from nurturing kids’ philosophical instincts. Rex once described philosophy as the art of thinking. That’s right – even when the topic is silly (‘Is a hotdog a sandwich?’), working it through hones a kid’s ability to draw distinctions, consider alternatives, and look for counterexamples. It builds skills that are useful in solving almost any problem. It’s the same sort of exercise as trying to figure out what truth is. Or justice. Of course, those questions are more important than settling what a sandwich is. But if we want our kids to think deeply about weighty issues, like truth and justice, we need to get them in the habit of thinking this way about whatever happens to engage them, hot dogs included.
And there are further benefits to tackling more serious issues with children. To start, if kids know that you’re interested in big questions (‘What are our lives for?’, ‘What happens when we die?’) they’ll be more likely to come to you with them. Second, philosophy can get kids in the habit of thinking through ways they might be wrong, which is a skill we can all use. And it can teach them the value of seeing things from other people’s perspectives, as they think through ways they might be wrong.
There’s something in it for you, too. It’s fun to hear kids’ ideas. They are clever and creative. They’ll surprise you with the subtlety of their thought. And they’ll remind you of some of the curiosities you had as a kid. Indeed, they can help us recapture our own sense of wonder at the world.