Habits and routines
How to read more books
Modern life can feel too frantic for books. Use these habit-building strategies to carve out time for the joy of reading
by Christian Jarrett
Difficult emotions
How to deal with regret
In a world of choices, it’s impossible to avoid regret. Unpleasant as it is, you can make it bearable, even inspirational
by Jelena Kecmanovic
How to start having more fun
Fun isn’t frivolous – it’s vital for your wellbeing. Here’s a step-by-step plan to bring more pleasure into your busy life
by Mike Rucker
Meaning and the good life
How to cope with an existential crisis
Has the world gone grey? Are you wondering what life is for? Kierkegaard’s philosophy could help you rediscover your zing
by Skye C Cleary
How to come out of your shell
You don’t have to be outgoing. But if being introverted is holding you back from the life you want, dive in for a way out
by Christian Jarrett
Change and self-development
How to change your self-limiting beliefs
Let Descartes, Kant and other philosophers help you view the world through a more positive filter and you’ll bloom
by Rebecca Roache
Difficult emotions
How to handle rejection
Whether personal or professional, the sting of rejection awaits us all. These strategies can help you heal and move on
by Thomas Smithyman
Communication and language
How to speak in public
Public speaking can feel like an ordeal, but take a lesson from the ancients: it’s a skill you can develop like any other
by John Bowe
Communication and language
How to ask for help
You’re not weak or lazy – everyone needs support. Follow these steps to learn when to reach out, who to go to and what to say
by Debbie Sorensen
Change and self-development
How to motivate yourself to change
Change is hard, but it’s possible. Use motivational interviewing techniques to build your confidence, and take the plunge
by Angela Wood & Ralph Wood
How to enjoy being single
‘Happily ever after’ is a romantic myth. Defy society’s singlism and discover ways to embrace a joyful, independent life
by David Robson
Work and vocation
How to become an expert
The path to mastery is long, winding and hugely fulfilling. Use this map to navigate and overcome any bumps along the way
by Roger L Kneebone