Virtues and vices
How to think about pleasure
Weirdly hard to define, much less to feel OK about it, pleasure is a tricky creature. Can philosophy help us lighten up?
by Sam Dresser
Virtues and vices
How to be excellent
Plato and Aristotle can help you resist conventional worldly success, direct your energy and find your own highest calling
by Benjamin Studebaker
Shame and guilt
How to save yourself another pointless guilt trip
Just because you feel guilty doesn’t mean you’ve done something wrong. Relax the rules you live by and set yourself free
by Aziz Gazipura
How to be a more ethical traveller
You are itching to get out there and want to do it with care. How do you avoid traps like voluntourism and greenwashing?
by Carolin Lusby
Difficult emotions
How to put your envy to good use
Envious feelings can eat you up, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Here’s how to transform envy into a guide and motivator
by Josh Gressel
How to think about ethical dilemmas
Learning about ethical theories won’t give you easy answers, but will increase your confidence in how you choose to live
by Timm Triplett