
Conflict and conflict resolution

A person in winter gear collects litter, including cans and bottles, from a snowy mountain landscape with a panoramic view of distant peaks.

Civic life


It’s not only political conservatives who worry about moral purity

You might think the political Right is more focussed on morals than the Left. But purity is a pervasive political value

by Kurt Gray, Will Blakey & Nicholas DiMaggio

Ancient fresco depicts a seated figure holding a child, while another figure approaches, accompanied by a young child with wings, on a weathered background.

Civic life


Can political persuasion be something more than manipulation?

Kant argued that persuasion was a product of manipulation and deception. But it can also be a force for good in civic life

by James Kastely

Ancient stone relief of four figures with intricate facial expressions and draped clothing, displayed against a blue background.

Communication and language


How do good conversations work? Philosophy has something to say

The idea of what makes for a successful conversation is always tricky, and has always been contested by philosophers

by Stephanie Ross

Close-up of a person with a beard wearing a black shirt with white, stitched letters spelling out “NO VAX”.

Communication and language


Why you shouldn’t shrink from challenging your loved ones’ views

Care is warranted when arguing with friends and family. But you can be respectful and still point out the flaws in their views

by Matt Ferkany

A woman and a man face off, gesticulating in an argument. Another woman stands nearby looking concerned amid a crowd outdoors.

Conflict and conflict resolution


Argue better by signalling your receptiveness with these words

All too often disagreements spiral into conflict. Prevent that happening by signalling your receptiveness with these words

by Michael Yeomans

Black-and-white photo of several men, one speaking into a microphone held by another, all in suits and serious expressions.

Conflict and conflict resolution


Democracy needs discomfort and distrust is a political virtue

Distrust thy neighbour: why expressing distrust is a necessary precondition for civic friendship and a robust democracy

by Meena Krishnamurthy

A large crowd wearing masks and sashes, holding a sign reading “Hommage à Samuel Paty” against an evening sky.

Trauma and PTSD


History teachers are no longer just educators but trauma specialists

History teachers practise on the frontlines of trauma and memory, always at risk of triggering violence and pain

by Nena Močnik

A painting of a solemn man in a black hat against a blue background. He wears dark clothing and gazes directly at the viewer.

Conflict and conflict resolution


The politician is the malformed monster of our coexistence

The French civil wars produced a novel type: the politician, represented as a monstrous amalgam of conflict and coexistence

by Emma Claussen