
Conflict and conflict resolution

Communication and language


For Montaigne, verbal jousting is the only way to reach truth

In a disagreement, you must face your opponent: only by verbal jousting will you reach the truth, said Michel de Montaigne

by Rachel Ashcroft

Compassion and empathy


Improve your relationships with the science of perspective-taking

Social psychology research is breaking down the process of perspective-taking and revealing ways to help us get along better

by Hunter Gehlbach

History of emotions


The language of love in a 12th-century English law book

What a 12th-century English law book tells us about the social power of love and friendship in the Middle Ages – and today

by Meghan Woolley

Violence and aggression


Recognising our common humanity might not be enough to prevent hatred

The dehumanisation idea is compelling, and efforts to reduce it well-meaning, but it’s a flawed explanation of intergroup harm

by Harriet Over

Conflict and conflict resolution


The politician is the malformed monster of our coexistence

The French civil wars produced a novel type: the politician, represented as a monstrous amalgam of conflict and coexistence

by Emma Claussen

Trauma and PTSD


History teachers are no longer just educators but trauma specialists

History teachers practise on the frontlines of trauma and memory, always at risk of triggering violence and pain

by Nena Močnik

Conflict and conflict resolution


Democracy needs discomfort and distrust is a political virtue

Distrust thy neighbour: why expressing distrust is a necessary precondition for civic friendship and a robust democracy

by Meena Krishnamurthy

History of emotions


The politics of internationalism rest on the intimacy of feelings

Political communities are based on feelings of familiarity and affinity, so how do you make people internationalists?

by Ilaria Scaglia