Victorian hidden mothers and the continued erasure of mothering
Why do Victorian ‘hidden mother’ photographs shock us? We’re still expected to hide the work of mothering from public view
by Andrea Kaston Tange
Talk of toxic masculinity puts the blame in all the wrong places
Toxic masculinity discourse harms vulnerable boys and men and distracts society from the true sources of gender inequity
by Heidi Matthews
Parenting and families
Trapped with no escape: the hidden problem of sibling bullying
When brothers and sisters victimise each other, the harms can be serious. But it’s never too late to heal old wounds
by Kristen Cvancara
Parenting and families
DNA testing is easy. It can also turn your family upside down
DNA testing is bringing the era of family secrets to a close. When a surprise is uncovered, lives can change forever
by Libby Copeland
Parenting and families
It should be OK for parents to express regret about having children
Regret is common to all humans. So it’s no surprise that some parents regret having children: it shouldn’t be a taboo topic
by Jenna Abetz & Julia Moore
Parenting and families
Philosophy can explain what kind of achievement it is to give birth
Pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding are physical achievements, like marathon running: give them the same respect, and no more
by Fiona Woollard
Childhood shyness can be advantageous – don’t pathologise it
Given their cautious vigilance, shy children are more likely to detect social threats and anticipate how events will unfold
by Raha Hassan & Kristie Poole
How babies’ and children’s temperament varies around the world
International research reveals intriguing regional differences in temperament – the infant precursor to adult personality
by Matt Huston
Parenting and families
Why are tiger parents willing to trade love for success?
Growing up under tiger parenting, I’ve seen that pushing a child to succeed often fails – and isn’t worth the emotional cost
by Louis Li
Parenting and families
Finns start life safe and sound with a baby box from the government
In Finland, mothers can choose a cash benefit or a baby box – 95 per cent choose the baby box, a richly emotional object
by Tanja Vahtikari
When does a human embryo have the moral status of a person?
Weighing up the science and the ethics of research on human embryos beyond its current 14-day restrictions
by David Cox
Parenting and families
Why parenting books are not really written for the parents
Parenting books are not really for parents but for the people writing them, and speak more to their own lives than our own
by Olga Mecking