
Emotion regulation

A smiling family hold hands and play on a sunny beach with their retriever dog



As a psychiatrist, I’ve seen how chasing happiness leads to misery

My clinical work has shown me that happiness is a ghost that’s not worth pursuing – there are far wiser goals in life

by Rafa Euba



Some emotions seem to be more ‘elastic’ than others

New research findings suggest that guilt behaves like an on-off switch whereas anger is more elastic and dial-controlled

by Matt Huston

A rotating antique globe in brass and other materials seen from above

Freedom and choice


Recognise free will is an illusion and reap the emotional benefits

The idea that all our choices are determined by past events may seem dispiriting – but it can be emotionally liberating

by Francis Merson

Emotion regulation


The Stoics were right – emotional control is good for the soul

Both neuroscience and psychotherapy agree that you can change your mental framework as the Stoic Marcus Aurelius described

by István Darabán

Memory and nostalgia


You can feel nostalgia for things that you haven’t yet lost

Nostalgia is a longing for the past, but psychologists are coming to realise it can focus on the future too

by Shayla Love

Emotion regulation


Why it might not help – and could hurt – to brace for the worst

When awaiting a potentially stressful update or event, do you assume it won’t go your way? There may be better options

by Ella Moeck

Emotion regulation


Wish you had more self-control? You should hear the downsides

Many people wish they had the advantages of more self-control. But fewer know that the trait can be costly, too

by Samantha Lapka & Franki Kung

Emotion regulation


Heartbreak is more than a metaphor. Are you at risk?

Heartbreak is more than a metaphor, but not everyone is at risk. Why does it kill some and spare others?

by Sian Harding