
Thinking and intelligence

Thinking and intelligence


Being alone with your thoughts is a skill you can practise

People go to extreme lengths to avoid time with their own thoughts. We’ve found some ways to make it more pleasurable

by Rémy Furrer

Habits and routines


In praise of habits – so much more than mindless reflexes

Rather than mindless mechanisms for routines, habits are a species of belief that display a great deal of intelligence

by Ian Robertson & Katsunori Miyahara

Cognitive and behavioural therapies


The philosophical roots of CBT help explain its limitations

Not all psychological problems are thinking problems. Trying to solve them purely cognitively, with CBT, won’t help us mature

by Bradley Murray

Thinking and intelligence


How conspiracy theories bypass people’s rationality

Prior research has focused on the negative reasons people are drawn to conspiracies, but there’s another side to the story

by Jan-Willem van Prooijen



The fence is uncomfortable, but it affords the best view

Ambivalence is often misconstrued as flakiness. In fact, recognising both sides of an argument fosters empathy and insight

by Iris Schneider

Thinking and intelligence


When a tricky task makes your brain hurt, here’s what to do

Although thinking hard is a daily experience, psychologists are only just beginning to understand how aversive it can be

by Todd Vogel

Knowledge and reason


The antidote to fake news is to nourish our epistemic wellbeing

There’s more to wellbeing than physical and mental health: we also need epistemic wellbeing, or good access to knowledge

by Kenneth Boyd

Work and vocation


For the Stoic Musonius Rufus, manual work is philosophy too

The Stoic Musonius Rufus practised philosophy by bridging the seeming gulf between intellectual work and manual labour

by Lee Clarke