
Virtues and vices

Virtues and vices


The virtue of honesty requires more than just telling the truth

Honesty has fallen out of fashion, yet it is essential to self-improvement. How can we cultivate this neglected virtue?

by Christian B Miller

Virtues and vices


Are people with dark personality traits more likely to succeed?

Turn towards the light: contrary to popular belief, nice guys have more success and happiness in the long run

by Craig Neumann & Scott Barry Kaufman

Stories and literature


Selfish, grumpy and unkind? That’s my kind of woman

Misanthropic female novelists and their characters make me hopeful for a future in which we shrug off feminine perfection

by Ellena Savage

Virtues and vices


Persianate ‘adab’ involves far more than elegant manners

Across 13th- to 19th-century Persianate culture, ‘adab’ meant more than manners – it was proper social and aesthetic form

by Mana Kia

Virtues and vices


As the Ancient Greeks knew, frankness is an essential virtue

Who can speak truth to the leaders? The story of parrhesía, from classical Greece to Christian martyrs and beyond

by Hartmut Leppin

Virtues and vices


‘Moral molecules’ – a new theory of what goodness is made of

Seven basic moral elements could be the building blocks of morality, recombining as needed to form new moral molecules

by Oliver Scott Curry, Mark Alfano, Mark Brandt & Christine Pelican



Sikh ethics sees self-centredness as the source of human evil

Sikhism places unity over individualism, offering a different perspective on the big questions of Western moral philosophy

by Keshav Singh

Virtues and vices


Be honest: little white lies are more harmful than you think

Even well-intentioned white lies can foster disconnection and distrust – openness and honesty really are the best policy

by Elena Svetieva & Leanne ten Brinke