
Beauty and aesthetics

A waterfall under a stormy sky with mist and a building on the left cliff surrounded by trees in the background.

Wonder and the sublime


How to think about the sublime

An exquisite mix of fear and awe, pleasure and pain, the sublime stretches the imagination and reveals the limits of reason

by Nicole A Hall

Painting of lilac flowers with green leaves on a dark background. The flowers vary in shades of purple, pink, and white.

Beauty and aesthetics


‘Nothing renders their beauty’ – can art ever capture the splendour of a flower?

A film by Miléna Trivier

Photo of two people partially obscured, with sunlight streaming through a window behind them and a thumb in the foreground.



How to take better photos

Anyone can learn the principles that are essential to capturing quality images. Follow these tips and see the difference

by Paul Pope

A black and white image of a girl in a white dress dancing behind her younger brother in a wheelchair, with trees and a road in the background. They are both smiling.



‘I’ll always err on the side of beauty’ – a mother’s cinematic ode to her son

Directed by Kelly O’Brien

Photo of an ornate underground station with arched ceilings, mosaic details pedestrians and a yellow train on the platform.



How to appreciate buildings

It’s easy to become blasé about the built world. Tune in more deeply and architectural adventures await around each corner

by Colin Ellard

Person walking on a rocky landscape under a cloudy sky, carrying a backpack and a tool or instrument over their shoulder.

Beauty and aesthetics


The quiet exuberance of wintering alone on an empty island off New England

Directed by Brian Bolster