Beauty and aesthetics

True musical virtuosos are minimalists who put roll before rock
Musicians like Muddy Waters and Charlie Watts played fewer notes than showoffs like Jeff Beck, but they were the right ones
by Mike Edison

Technology and media
Let’s use bold, beautiful hearing aids to celebrate deafness
Hearing aids have always been designed to be concealed, yet they’re a beautiful affirmation of deafness – and should be seen
by Jaipreet Virdi

How to take better photos
Anyone can learn the principles that are essential to capturing quality images. Follow these tips and see the difference
by Paul Pope

Beauty and aesthetics
‘Nothing renders their beauty’ – can art ever capture the splendour of a flower?
A film by Miléna Trivier

Beauty and aesthetics
What happens if we make the Mona Lisa more symmetrical?
The Golden Ratio and symmetry are two universal rules of beauty. The problem is they conflict with one another
by Manil Suri

Philosophy of art
When art transports us, where do we actually go?
Artworks have the capacity to transport us into other worlds. But where exactly do we go when we are immersed in art?
by Harri Mäcklin

How to appreciate buildings
It’s easy to become blasé about the built world. Tune in more deeply and architectural adventures await around each corner
by Colin Ellard

Beauty and aesthetics
The quiet exuberance of wintering alone on an empty island off New England
Directed by Brian Bolster

Compassion and empathy
Empathy is, at heart, an aesthetic appreciation of the other
Empathy is an aesthetic practice that relies on our capacity to delight in, and respond with reverence to, the world around us
by Susan Lanzoni

Wonder and the sublime
Is the sublime a hopelessly old-fashioned Euro-Romantic ideal?
The sublime is not only for the Romantics, nor just about gender or overcoming nature. It’s in the thrills-and-chills of emotion
by Robert Clewis

Beauty and aesthetics
How to curate (just about) anything
Sure, tidying up is a start. But it won’t get you to the kind of lived-in, personalised space that defines an ideal of home
by Glenn Adamson

Artists and art history
An artist’s serene moving paintings probe the surface of reality itself
Films by Susi Sie