Human nature

Human nature
For a happier life, we must balance two old psychological needs
Personal autonomy is abundant in the modern world. As a result, many of us get what we want but not what we need
by William von Hippel

What sex-difference science misses about the messy reality of sex
Men aren’t from Mars, women aren’t from Venus, and other persistent myths derived from debunked sex-difference science
by Jeffrey W Lockhart

Nature and the environment
How to rewild yourself
You didn’t evolve to live in this techno-industrialised world. Find health and happiness by embracing your wild nature
by Jessica Carew Kraft

The unseen lives of others take centre stage in this surreal poetry adaptation
Directed by Michelle Kranot and Uri Kranot

Human nature
Our innate ideas prevent us seeing what is innate in human nature
We have a great deal of trouble telling what is innate and what is learned in human nature, whether ideas or emotions
by Iris Berent

Are you sure you know what emotions are?
It’s tricky to define what an emotion is: is surprise one, or something else? Here are a few simple rules to get started
by Andrew Ortony

Surreal vignettes form a meditation on love in this Oscar-winning short
Directed by Alberto Mielgo

What our use of animal-based slurs and endearments says about us
The image of the adorable kitten and the insult of calling someone a ‘pussy’ have more in common than you might realise
by David Egan

Social history
The rise of the bystander as a complicit historical actor
‘The appalling silence of the good people’: how the bystander rose to prominence as a morally complicit actor in history
by Dennis Klein

Transcendent experience
We soar, we plunge, we labour: here is all peak human experience
Directed by Dylan Werkman