Cultural diversity

Cultural diversity
Insularity can be a good thing, for creatures and cultures alike
The plight of threatened species can help us understand – and respond to – the endangerment of local ideas and practices
by Antone Martinho-Truswell

Conflict and conflict resolution
Restorative justice fits human nature more than retribution does
As recognised by ancestral wisdom and Indigenous practices, our need to repair relationships is a deep-rooted instinct
by Flavia Corso

Journey to the Bering Sea in search of a deep ‘not knowing’
Directed by Sky Hopinka

Cultural diversity
What we lose by being overly scientific about healthcare
Empirical studies tell us about treatment outcomes, but they overlook the cultural dynamics that can help us feel better
by Ana Todorović

Communication and language
The tentacles of language are always on the move
An evolutionary biologist explains how human language can shift as slowly or rapidly as organisms adapting to life on Earth
by Klaus M Stiefel

Sports and games
Softness controls hardness – a fighter’s gentle approach to life
Directed by Josef Reeve

History of emotions
To ancient Assyrians, the liver was the seat of happiness
Cutting-edge computational techniques are shedding light on how the emotional experiences of past cultures compare to ours
by Juha Lahnakoski & Ellie Bennett

Does embracing local customs help immigrants feel at home?
Moving from Belgrade to Toronto, learning the social ‘rules’ fostered my sense of belonging. But there’s an important caveat
by Ljiljana Radenović