Introverts are excluded unfairly in an extraverts’ world
One in three people are introverts, physically present, but culturally absent. We shouldn’t have to change to be heard
by Noa Herz
Thinkers and theories
Learning to be a loser: a philosopher’s case for doing nothing
For Emil Cioran, a life devoid of action, practical ambitions and busyness is a life in which room has been made for meaning
by Costica Bradatan
The reality of prostitution is not complex. It is simple
Prostitution is not sex and it’s not work. Its reality is far from complex – in fact, it’s simple. Trust me, I’ve done it
by Rachel Moran
The self
The self of self-help books is adrift from social and economic facts
Self-help books are a broken parachute: to win friends and influence people, take advice from a social scientist instead
by Craig Schamel
The achievement society is burning us out, we need more play
This is about more than a self-help switch – it will take structural changes to reject capitalism’s productivity obsession
by Alec Stubbs
Work and vocation
In an unstable economy, I found freedom and security in sex work
Speculation about the mental health of sex workers is undermining. Focus instead on how to improve our working conditions
by Tamara MacLeod
Work and vocation
For the Stoic Musonius Rufus, manual work is philosophy too
The Stoic Musonius Rufus practised philosophy by bridging the seeming gulf between intellectual work and manual labour
by Lee Clarke
Work and vocation
Kafka warned us: surveillance turns the watched into watchers
Surveillance changes us in powerful ways, as Franz Kafka warned. Neither the watched nor their watcher escapes unscathed
by George Alliger
Goals and motivation
Facing a tedious to-do list? This trick could make it easier
The ‘easy addendum effect’: how careful timing of your easier tasks could help you feel better at the end of the day
by Shayla Love
Therapeutic relationships
Life coaching is unregulated and growing rapidly. Should it be reined in?
Anybody can call themselves a life coach, and then offer what amounts to serious therapy. Should life coaching be regulated?
by Elias Aboujaoude
Work and vocation
Why do so many people think they are in a bullshit job?
Researchers continue to debate whether some jobs are inherently useless – but all agree it’s harmful to see your job this way
by Shayla Love
Work and vocation
Imagine a workplace where you could actually tell the truth
Most people won’t even think to tell the truth at work. In a society that seems to laud honesty, why is it so rare?
by Lauren A Taylor & David Berg