What makes hate a unique emotion – and why that matters
How does hating someone compare with anger, contempt or disgust? A clearer picture of what makes it unique is emerging
by Cristhian A Martínez
Music is a philosophy, rich in ideas that language cannot say
Musical thinking offers a means for composing our lives and a philosophical foundation that embraces both sound and silence
by Xenia Hanusiak
History of emotions
Schadenfreude: why do we find joy in the pain felt by others?
A brief history of schadenfreude – taking pleasure in the misfortune of another – from ancient China to Charlie Chaplin
by David P Barash
For young people, emotions are highly contagious social viruses
Like viruses, our internal mental states are socially transmissible, and it’s easier to catch happiness than depression
by Jack Andrews
Artists and art history
Love the art, disgusted by the artist? Maybe philosophy can help
Rather than trying to leave behind beloved art by immoral artists, let philosophy offer you a model for engaging with it
by Erich Hatala Matthes
Why it feels right to feel guilty about accidental mishaps
Say you caused a random accident. Your expression of guilt – or its lack – could send a message about who you are deep down
by Rajen Alexander Anderson
What makes ‘toxic positivity’ different from a healthy attitude
Influencers and self-help gurus are preaching a form of positive psychology that risks doing more harm than good
by Lucas Dixon
Emotions should be in the heart of complex political debates
Emotion is not opposed to reason but a crucial tool for assessing risk in a complex, uncertain world
by Sabine Roeser
What it means for something to ‘sink in’ emotionally
The impact of important events is more than an emotion or mood – it must ‘sink in’, which is a process that unfolds in time
by Matthew Ratcliffe
Thinking and intelligence
Philosophical reflection often begins with a disruptive mood
For many of our greatest philosophers, it was their moods, from wonder to estrangement to anxiety, that first inspired them
by Steven Segal
Are you sure you know what emotions are?
It’s tricky to define what an emotion is: is surprise one, or something else? Here are a few simple rules to get started
by Andrew Ortony
Can you ‘feel’ the music? You’re probably an empathetic person
People who are more empathic toward others are also more likely to have more feeling for the emotions communicated in music
by Benjamin Tabak & Zachary Wallmark