
Cognitive and behavioural therapies

A man stands next to a painting of Jesus carrying the cross, with reflections visible on a glass surface beside him.

Self-harm and suicide


Why religious belief provides a real buffer against suicide risk

Under-recognised as a protective force against suicide, religious faith has multiple features that help to save lives

by David H Rosmarin

Bas-relief showing scenes of interrogation and torture, featuring restrained figures and text describing the use of plastic bags and water dunking to terrify victims.

Cognitive and behavioural therapies


CBT is the ‘gold standard’, but is that just for white people?

CBT is supported by a strong evidence base. However, effective cultural adaptation of the therapy is a work in progress

by Shayla Love

A person’s shadow is cast in overlapping red, yellow and blue on a pink and blue wall. The shadow highlights their face and shoulder.



Psychotherapy under the microscope: how exactly does it work?

To improve psychotherapy, researchers are looking beyond what happens in a session to learn exactly how change is achieved

by Ciarán O’Driscoll

Impressionist painting of a figure standing by the sea, observing a distant boat. The scene is enveloped in blue tones with a serene, misty atmosphere.

Cognitive and behavioural therapies


The philosophical roots of CBT help explain its limitations

Not all psychological problems are thinking problems. Trying to solve them purely cognitively, with CBT, won’t help us mature

by Bradley Murray

A crying child with blonde hair and a striped shirt sits on a pavement next to parked cars in an urban setting.

Trauma and PTSD


PTSD looks different in young children – but it’s still treatable

When tantrums and other changes indicate post-traumatic dysfunction, specialised therapy could help children with PTSD

by Caitlin Hitchcock

Two people sit in a grassy field, seen from behind: a white man with white hair and beard, and a Black man in a patterned shirt and hat.

Self-harm and suicide


When all looks bleak, hopebuilding strategies offer a lifeline

Hopelessness is a major link in the chain that leads to suicide. Strategies to nurture hope are key in the prevention toolkit

by Kathryn Gordon

Blurry photo of a woman walking in a street with a crowd in the background, overexposed light creating a hazy effect.

Cognitive and behavioural therapies


Can a short behavioural boot camp really grind anxiety to dust?

It’s a bumpy ride and won’t probe the origins of past trauma. But intensive CBT can reduce debilitating anxiety in days

by Elizabeth Svoboda

A woman sits by a window, her eyes cast down and her hair obscuring her face, with light illuminating the background.

Difficult emotions


A new approach to therapy promises to tackle neuroticism head-on

Therapy often focuses on symptoms of specific disorders. Targeting a high-risk personality trait could be more efficient

by Shannon Sauer-Zavala