The body and physical health

Parenting and families
Moving through the world pregnant, my body became everyone’s
And I knew that, once I became a mother, I would be only more visible, more public, more available for scrutiny
by Katie da Cunha Lewin

The body and physical health
In defence of slouching: the bad science behind good posture
The idea that we should all stand straight is widely accepted. But this modern obsession has dubious origins
by Beth Linker

Food and drink
How to maintain a healthy gut
With a few lifestyle and dietary changes, you can protect your gut microbiome, boost your immunity and improve your mood
by Vincent Ho

Why Darius is testing mind and body to run 100 miles in the cold
Directed by Amar Chebib

Death and dying
It’s not foolish to foster hope in the face of illness and death
As a great loss loomed, I feared straying too far from the hard truth. But I learned to distinguish denial from hope
by Christiana Boules

The body and physical health
Menopause was a French invention at a time of revolution
French doctors of the 1800s had a vested interest in pathologising women’s ageing, as do many commercial entities today
by Alison M Downham Moore

Eating disorders
How to spot an eating disorder
Worried about someone’s behaviour around food? Eating disorders are serious and secretive: knowing the red flags will help
by Phillip Aouad & Sarah Maguire

Caregiving is the highest form of love in this powerful family portrait
Directed by William D Caballero

The body and physical health
You are your body: here’s how to feel more at home in it
Just because you live in a body, doesn’t mean you feel at one with it. Embodiment psychology can help you reconnect
by Elna Schütz

Goals and motivation
So-called ‘SMART goals’ are a case of style over substance
From fitness to finance, the SMART goal-setting method is ubiquitous, but often detrimental. There are better approaches
by Christian Swann

Mind-body interactions
How to trust your body
Your heart, lungs, abdomen and gut are trying to tell you something. Learning to tune in can significantly boost your health
by Saga Briggs

Mental health
Fixating on her body, a woman grapples with strange distortions of the self
Directed by Chenghua Yang