The self

Stories and literature
Your life is not a story: why narrative thinking holds you back
Our stories help us make sense of a chaotic world, but they can be harmful and restrictive. There’s a liberating alternative
by Karen Simecek

The self
When your authenticity is an act, something’s gone wrong
Authenticity has changed from an inward gaze to a social display. Can we reconcile the performance with the real thing?
by Joseph E Davis

Emerging therapies
How to get to know all (the parts) of you
An emerging form of psychotherapy offers some surprising ways to think about who you are and work towards self-acceptance
by Derek Scott

The nature of reality
An animated figure’s world grows enigmatic when he begins to doubt reality
Directed by Jeong Dahee

History and philosophy of mental health
For Donald Winnicott, the psyche is not inside us but between us
For Donald Winnicott, your psyche isn’t just in your head – it emerges from your relationships with others and the world
by James Barnes

Personality disorders
Some people feel so utterly alone it’s as if they don’t exist
People diagnosed with ‘avoidant personality disorder’ fear getting close to other people, yet crave greater connection
by Kristine Dahl Sørensen & Marit Råbu

How to enjoy being single
‘Happily ever after’ is a romantic myth. Defy society’s singlism and discover ways to embrace a joyful, independent life
by David Robson

Painting and sculpture
Stretched between dignity and despair, Giacometti’s fragile human figures
Directed by Michael Gill

Compassion and empathy
Self-compassion is not self-indulgence: here’s how to try it
Contrary to popular belief, it’s not self-indulgent to practise self-compassion. In fact, it helps you to care for others
by Christina Chwyl

The self
When Nietzsche said ‘become who you are’, this is what he meant
Behind the philosopher’s cryptic phrase is an invocation to sculpt your ideal self out of the hard stone of your psyche
by Ryan A Bush

Change and self-development
How to be kinder to yourself
Self-compassion techniques aren’t self-indulgent – they’ll tame your inner critic while helping you change for the better
by Brooke Schwartz

A darkly playful dance of shadows, surreal visions and transformation
Directed by Douglas Bernardt