Virtues and vices
The medieval notion that shows why even experts should be humble
Nicholas of Cusa and others saw the importance of ‘learned ignorance’ or recognising there is always something more to learn
by Christopher M Bellitto
Virtues and vices
Why so many plagiarists are in denial about what they did wrong
So often people claim ‘I didn’t mean to’, yet they fail to realise that plagiarism is more like speeding than theft
by Philip Reed
How to think about ethical dilemmas
Learning about ethical theories won’t give you easy answers, but will increase your confidence in how you choose to live
by Timm Triplett
A vegetarian with a beef farm faces a life-altering moral impasse
Directed by Alex Lockwood
Mindfulness and meditation
Here’s what to know about using meditation to be a better person
Meditating has long been thought to enhance morality. But the type of meditation – and the aspects of morality – matter
by Jakob Hohwy & Kevin Berryman
Stories and literature
What is it about film and TV antiheroes that’s so captivating?
They’re entertaining, of course – but research highlights a deeper psychological reason viewers are drawn to the bad guys
by Ana Gantman & Jordan Wylie
How to be a more ethical traveller
You are itching to get out there and want to do it with care. How do you avoid traps like voluntourism and greenwashing?
by Carolin Lusby
Painting and sculpture
After years of struggle, an artist faces a new obstacle – staggering success
Directed by Titus Kaphar and Alex Mallis
Communication and language
These are the mental processes required to tell a convincing lie
The cognitive work involved in lying is relevant to lie detection and could help explain why some people are better liars
by Molly MacMillan
Efforts to expand the lifespan ignore what it’s like to get old
As modern medicine extends the human lifespan, quality of life is not keeping up, raising thorny ethical dilemmas
by Robert S Gable
How to have less stuff
Do your possessions hold too much power over you? Learn to regain control – and benefit your wallet and the planet
by Melissa Norberg