Thinking and intelligence
Talking out loud to yourself is a technology for thinking
Talking out loud to oneself is a technology for thinking that allows us to clarify and sharpen our approach to a problem
by Nana Ariel
Emotion regulation
Asking one simple question can entirely change how you feel
Positive and negative emotions respond differently to ‘affect labelling’ – the act of giving a name to your feelings
by Christian Waugh
Communication and language
How do good conversations work? Philosophy has something to say
The idea of what makes for a successful conversation is always tricky, and has always been contested by philosophers
by Stephanie Ross
Communication and language
Why it takes humour to sustain a long-term relationship
Maintaining a long and happy relationship requires a specific skillset. Learning to laugh at yourself and together is key
by Enrico Gnaulati
Knowledge and reason
Our big problem is not misinformation; it’s knowingness
Everybody knows we live in an age of misinformation. But everybody’s wrong, and here’s why it’s our age’s biggest problem
by Jonathan Malesic
Conflict and conflict resolution
Argue better by signalling your receptiveness with these words
All too often disagreements spiral into conflict. Prevent that happening by signalling your receptiveness with these words
by Michael Yeomans
Communication and language
Speaking a different language can change how you act and feel
For many multilinguals, switching between tongues can lead to shifts in personality, revealing the malleability of the self
by Antonella Gismundi
Do you think more clearly when reading or when listening?
How we take in information has a remarkably significant effect on how intuitive or analytical we are in thinking about it
by Janet Geipel & Boaz Keysar
Communication and language
Here’s the truth about how to spot when someone is lying
From shifty eyes to fidgeting fingers, there are many folk beliefs about the signs of lying – but what does the science say?
by Tim Brennen & Svein Magnussen
Self-harm and suicide
Working on a suicide helpline changed how I talk to everyone
Volunteering at a suicide helpline has changed how I talk to everyone: I listen more, assume less, and focus on the moment
by Natalia Dashan
Communication and language
This is what a Neanderthal conversation would have sounded like
Neanderthals had language, but it differed from ours in an important way that could help explain our superior art and tech
by Steven Mithen
Communication and language
Why listening well can make disagreements less damaging
Offering undivided attention and curiosity not only lowers the temperature of a conversation but can change its outcome
by Guy Itzchakov