
Communication and language

Knowledge and reason


Our big problem is not misinformation; it’s knowingness

Everybody knows we live in an age of misinformation. But everybody’s wrong, and here’s why it’s our age’s biggest problem

by Jonathan Malesic

A man and a woman laughing together in a restaurant

Communication and language


Why it takes humour to sustain a long-term relationship

Maintaining a long and happy relationship requires a specific skillset. Learning to laugh at yourself and together is key

by Enrico Gnaulati



Do you think more clearly when reading or when listening?

How we take in information has a remarkably significant effect on how intuitive or analytical we are in thinking about it

by Janet Geipel & Boaz Keysar

Communication and language


Here’s the truth about how to spot when someone is lying

From shifty eyes to fidgeting fingers, there are many folk beliefs about the signs of lying – but what does the science say?

by Tim Brennen & Svein Magnussen

Self-harm and suicide


Working on a suicide helpline changed how I talk to everyone

Volunteering at a suicide helpline has changed how I talk to everyone: I listen more, assume less, and focus on the moment

by Natalia Dashan

Communication and language


Why listening well can make disagreements less damaging

Offering undivided attention and curiosity not only lowers the temperature of a conversation but can change its outcome

by Guy Itzchakov

Learning and education


Speaking Latin brings an unmediated thrill to the Classics

Learning Latin shouldn’t be like solving crossword puzzles – it was a living language and is best learnt by speaking it

by Armand D’Angour

The Disney cartoon boy Pinocchio depicted with his nose having grown long as he tells a lie

Communication and language


These are the mental processes required to tell a convincing lie

The cognitive work involved in lying is relevant to lie detection and could help explain why some people are better liars

by Molly MacMillan