Psychoanalysis and the unconscious
Three ways to get in touch with your Shadow self
Jung believed we all have a Shadow self. Facing up to it could help you live more fully and be more forgiving of others
by Ruth Williams
Technology and media
What I learned from sharing my private self with an AI journal
‘Quantified self’ apps analyse our physical and behavioural data. Now, AI journals want to access our emotional lives too
by Angela Chen
You have multiple ‘social identities’ – here’s how to manage them
As social beings, our identities are bound up with different groups – here’s how to juggle all the various hats you wear
by Anna K Zinn
The self
What my mother’s sticky notes show about the nature of the self
Dementia accelerates a process we all experience, as our memories become increasingly externalised into the world around us
by Crispin Sartwell
Psychosis and schizophrenia
Rubber hand illusions shed new light on our bodily sense of self
Testing the illusions on those who have entered altered states offers clues about the experience of being in control
by Shayla Love
The self
Boost your self-understanding with a navigational approach
Physical and mental navigation involve overlapping brain processes, casting new light on the notion of an ‘inner journey’
by Nick Kabrél
Beauty and aesthetics
Why art seems more beautiful when you can see yourself in it
Research suggests that people find artworks more aesthetically pleasing when they’re personally relevant to them in some way
by Matt Huston
The self
When Nietzsche said ‘become who you are’, this is what he meant
Behind the philosopher’s cryptic phrase is an invocation to sculpt your ideal self out of the hard stone of your psyche
by Ryan A Bush
Why is there such a thing as ‘true love’ but not ‘true grump’?
What makes an emotion feel true? And how is that connected to your true self? New insights on old philosophical puzzles
by Shayla Love
Body dysmorphic disorder
Body neutrality gives me the freedom not to love my body
How body neutrality, not body positivity, allowed me to acknowledge the fraught relationship between myself and my body
by Payal Dhar
Aphantasia can be a gift to philosophers and critics like me
Aphantasia veils the past and the future from the mind’s eye. That can be a gift to philosophers like Derek Parfit and me
by Mette Leonard Høeg
Learn the art of journaling and archive your life
Journaling is an art and a daily practice that allows you to write your life and find your way, one sentence at a time
by Sarah Boon