
Civic life

An angry mob of people jeer at a woman carrying a young baby up a cobbled street. Her head is shaved

Shame and guilt


Personal and political shaming is running hot, yet it doesn’t work

When passions run high so does the urge to shame wrongdoers. But if the goal is to change, shamers should think twice

by David Keen

A person in winter gear collects litter, including cans and bottles, from a snowy mountain landscape with a panoramic view of distant peaks.

Civic life


It’s not only political conservatives who worry about moral purity

You might think the political Right is more focussed on morals than the Left. But purity is a pervasive political value

by Kurt Gray, Will Blakey & Nicholas DiMaggio

A mother cuddles her newborn baby on a bed. The baby is wrapped in a white knitted blanket.

Communication and language


Facts don’t change minds: a case for the virtues of propaganda

A better understanding of propaganda and how to use it as an educational tool could advance the world in a positive way

by Anna Hennessey

A bustling plant market with numerous people shopping and mingling, surrounded by various stalls and potted plants.

Civic life


The surprising way to tackle prejudice in the real world

The good news is there are many effective anti-prejudice interventions, but the most promising remains relatively unknown

by Wing Hsieh

Crowd of people celebrating with colourful confetti, including a person in a white tank top and another wearing an American flag hat and t-shirt.

Cooperation and collaboration


Defining social trust is a first step toward nurturing it

Researchers agree that social trust causes many positive social outcomes. But they differ on its definition and causes

by Kevin Vallier

Braided river with shallow channels flowing through a landscape of red and brown vegetation, against a backdrop of distant mountains.

Nature and the environment


What does water want? Most humans seem to have forgotten

Asking what water wants sounds a bit mystical, even radical. But it’s a practical, proven path to creating a better world

by Erica Gies

People holding signs supporting Kennedy outdoors near Franklin Road, smiling and waving.

Civic life


Voting in person brings democracy to momentous life

Elections are about more than tallying votes – they offer voters a deeply felt connection to democracy and their role in it

by Emilee Booth Chapman

Ancient fresco depicts a seated figure holding a child, while another figure approaches, accompanied by a young child with wings, on a weathered background.

Civic life


Can political persuasion be something more than manipulation?

Kant argued that persuasion was a product of manipulation and deception. But it can also be a force for good in civic life

by James Kastely